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Srijan Choudhary Srijan Choudhary

#Emacs #TIL : I learned about save-interprogram-paste-before-kill - which saves the existing system clipboard text into the kill ring before replacing it. This ensures that Emacs kill operations do not irrevocably overwrite existing clipboard text.

A common workflow for me is to copy some text from a different application and paste it inside Emacs. But, if I want to first delete a word or region to replace, the deleted word or region goes to the system clipboard and replaces my copied text. This config saves the previous entry in the system clipboard so I can do a C-p after paste to choose the previous paste.

Srijan Choudhary Srijan Choudhary

My small #emacs #orgmode #gtd customization of the day:

org-edna is a plugin that can be used to setup auto triggers (and blockers) when completing a task. org-gtd uses it to auto-forward the next TODO item in a project to NEXT when a task in the project is marked as DONE. The #orgedna trigger it uses is: relatives(forward-no-wrap todo-only 1 no-sort) todo!(NEXT).

This works okay for me, but also results in tickler tasks configured as repeated tasks to go to NEXT state instead of TODO state when they are completed. This results in them showing up in the org agenda even before they are due.

To fix this, I had to add this property to the top-level headings of the tickler file:

:TRIGGER: self todo!(TODO)

This overrides the global triggers configured by org-gtd for these org subtrees.

Srijan Choudhary Srijan Choudhary

Found Samuel's nice post on capturing data for org via email.

This is very close to what I was looking for to be able to do GTD capture on-the-go either from phone apps like Braintoss or from any email app.

One addition I would like to make is handling attachments in the email by downloading them and attaching to the org entry.
This would be useful for voice notes from Braintoss - it does transcription of the audio and adds it to the email body, but sometimes it doesn't work so well and I have to fall back to listening to the audio. It will also be useful for forwarded emails containing attachments.

#GTD #Emacs #OrgMode