Srijan Choudhary

Hi, I'm Srijan Choudhary.

I'm a founding member and software engineering leader at GreyOrange, working on disrupting and redefining fulfillment.

I'm interested in software team leadership, functional programming, distributed systems, artificial intelligence, and software infrastructure.

In my free time, I enjoy traveling, running, playing with technology, listening to music, creating music, and reading.

I write here when I have something to share - a personal project, some difficult problem I solved recently, or just an idea.

Take a look at the about page for more details, or follow me on mastodon.

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Recent Notes

Srijan Choudhary Srijan Choudhary

Read an interesting set of posts today: and . The basic concept is:

... executives are generally directionally correct but specifically wrong, and it’s your job to understand the overarching direction without getting distracted by the narrow errors in their idea.

This resonates well with my experience. I have been doing this unconsciously, but it's good to put it in these words.

Srijan Choudhary Srijan Choudhary

Tried using X11 on #Linux the last few days due to some issues with Zoom screensharing in Wayland with the latest pipewire, and I already miss #Wayland.

Issues I faced with X11:

  1. Smooth scrolling broken
  2. Apps work noticeably slower
  3. Screen tearing
  4. This bug in Emacs GTK build: (To be fair, this is a GTK-specific issue, not X11 specific)

I will go back to Wayland as soon as Zoom fixes this:

Srijan Choudhary Srijan Choudhary

I have been using #karousel on #KDE for several weeks, and yesterday shifted to #PaperWM on #GNOME. Took some time to configure things like I wanted, but it's much smoother than karousel (and fancier).

Overall, I like the scrolling tiling pane paradigm. I realized I've been manually doing something like this using workspaces with 1-2 windows per workspace with two keybindings - one to change workspace and one to switch windows inside a workspace. So, this window management model really clicks for me.

I switched from GNOME to KDE several years ago due to getting burnt by extensions breaking too frequently, but hopefully things are better now.